Vegetables In Small Spaces


Vegetables to Grow in Small Spaces

 You can easily start your own garden in a small space such as your backyard, a balcony or a patio. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, choose plants that grow vertically and in containers.

 * Tomatoes grow well in a small space, they come in a variety of sizes.

 * Chard grows like a weed, cut a few leaves from the mother plant and more leaves will grow.

 * Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow and have year-round.

 * Lettuce grows fast and you can yield a crop of lettuce in only 45 days.

 * Pole Beans are a vertical plant and take up the least amount of space compared to many other beans.

 * Eggplant is another popular and hardy vegetable.

* Root Vegetables are very easy to grow inside a one-gallon planter.

 * Radishes grow very fast, so expect a harvest at least once a month.

 LeeAnn DeLeo, Vegetable Garden Designer & Gardner
If your looking to transform your space into edible gardens, I can help!

Lets Garden Together, I’m Rooting For You!
(203) 253-4567

Most of you know me as a Realtor, bet you did not know my hobby and passion is
gardening and I own a small farm


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