Edible Flowers


Edible Flowers 

Be sure you know what you’re picking before you start snacking. Choose area’s where you’re sure there are no pesticides and always wash before eating. Here’s a few of my favorites.

Apple blossoms, they flower on trees in the fall and have fruity floral flavor. If you’re looking to transform your space into edible gardens, I can help!

Sunflowers, not only could we eat the seeds, but the flower and leaves are edible. Sunflowers taste like an artichoke.

Dill flowers, they are slightly stronger than the leaves and the taste similar. 

Thyme flowers, use them anywhere you’d use thyme. Try making flavored herb butter too. Thyme flowers have a mild thyme taste with a subtle lemony flavor.

Lavender flowers are sweet and citrusy. Different varieties of lavender have different flavors, English lavender is the sweetest.

Pansy flowers come in a variety of colors and their flavor can depend on the color. It’s usually a spicy lettuce flavor and the blue pansies have a mild wintergreen taste.

Nasturtium flowers come in a variety of colors, and you can eat the seed pods too. It has a spicy, peppery, watercress-like flavor.

Marigolds are not only edible flowers but a great pest repellant. They are a cheap alternative to saffron with a sharp and peppery flavor. 

Rose, all varieties of roses are edible. Smell the roses and chances are if you like the smell, you will like the taste. 

LeeAnn DeLeo, Vegetable Garden Designer & Gardner
Let’s Garden Together, I’m Rooting For You!
(203) 253-4567  www.GrowFoodNotLawn.com 

Most of you know me as a Realtor, bet you did not know my hobby and passion is
gardening and I own a small farm www.MrDonaldsFarm.com


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